The MKMapViewDelegate is a protocol that defines how your app can receive updates when changes occur to either the map or any annotations on the map.
As of iOS 6 there are 18 methods available in 7 categories that you can optionally use to receive the updates. Today, I want to cover what each of these methods can do and how you can use them to help bring more functionality to your app.
MKMapView operations often run asynchronously which is why the MKMapViewDelegate comes in handy as actions are processed while you continue using the map and then your app is notified of various changes as available and needed.
This post is not a tutorial as such. Instead, I am just listing the various methods along with details of how they work and what they do. If you want to see some examples of how they are implemented, take a look at the categories listed to the right and select the Map Kit Framework to see tutorials about the various methods.
Responding to Map Position Changes
There are two methods within this category. These are mapVew:regionWillChangeAnimated: and mapView:regionDidChangeAnimated: